CPD events 2024

DateCourse ProviderContentSpeakerTypesCPD PointsFees in MUR Rs.TimeVenueTel
TBDAMLFinance for HealthcareGovindah chinapiel/ youdish sookram facilitatorMix4Rs30,00030 hoursTBD52525996
TDBAMLTime ManagementGovindah chinapiel / youdish sookramIn person4Rs10,0006 hoursTBD52525996
TBDAMLLeadership Development
Programme for
Healthcare Professionals
Govindah chinapiel/ youdish sookramIn person4Rs15,00012 hoursTBD52525996
TBDAMLCustomer service excellence
for healthcare professionals
Govindah chinapiel/ youdish sookramIn person4Rs10,0006 hoursTBD52525996
MarchJSSAHERPharmacist an integral part of the healthcare system - Behind the counter to BedsideTBDOnline1Contact Provider1 HourOnline57130426/ 57179041
AprilJSSAHERWorld Health Day - 3 Days EventTBDOnline2TBDTBDTBD57130426/ 57179041
SeptemberJSSAHERWorld Pharmacist Day - 3 Days EventTBDOnline2TBDTBDTBD57130426/ 57179041
NovemberJSSAHERConferenceTBDFace to Face2TBDTBDTBD57130426/ 57179041
DecemberJSSAHERRecent Updates in Pharmaceutical Sciences and PracticeTBDFace to Face2TBDTBDTBD
MarchPAMCPD 1Dr Sumera Keenoo/ Prof Farid BoumedieneIn Person2Contact PAM3 HoursUOM Phoenix52502749
23 MarchPAMCPD 2 - Code of practice for pharmacistsMr Faisal Elyhee & Me Sivaramen SibbarayanIn Person2Contact PAM3 HoursUOM Phoenix52502749
3 MayPAMCPD 3 - Profil bactériologique des appendicites aiguës au service de chirurgie viscéraleMedecin Lieutenant Colonel Yasser El Brahmi and Hussain RameezIn Person2Contact PAM3 HoursUOM Phoenix52502749
TBDScott TrainingUnderstanding the Worker Right ActLawyer from Gavin ChambersOnline2TBD3 HoursTBD2069400/59840591
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Obesity L1A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Obesity L2A S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Obesity L3A S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Asthma L1A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Asthma L2A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Asthma L3A S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2DiabetesA S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2HypertensionA S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Gut Health L1A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Gut Health L2 - GastroEnteritisA S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Safeguarding children awarenessA S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Safeguarding Adults awarenessA S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Managing migraineA S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Stress managment 1A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Stress managment 2A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Stress management 3 (including textbook licence )A S IllaieeOnline1Rs750.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Anaemia. Diagnosis and treatmentA S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Non alcoholic fatty Liver diseaase (1)A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Non alcoholic fatty Liver diseaase (2)A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Dermatology L1 EssentialsA S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Dermatology L2 infections and infestationsA S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Quality improvement L1A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Reflective practiceA S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Effective Communication L1
How to write emails more effectively in Healthcare settings
A S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2health care Social media course AA S IllaieeOnline4Rs1,400.005N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Business continuity Planning CourseA S IllaieeOnline4Rs1,400.005N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Quality Improvement L2 AdvancedA S IllaieeOnline4Rs1,400.005N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Inspections Course. Webinar Dates to be offered on first come 1st served basisA S IllaieeOnline4Rs1,400.005N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Guidelines on vitamin D supplementation for all agesA S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Anxiety L1 (includes book licence)A S IllaieeOnline2Rs1,000.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2ECG interpretationA S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Treatment Guideline based on NICE guidance May 2023 pointsA S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Quality Improvemnt L3 implementationA S IllaieeOnline4Rs1,400.005N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Thyroid Conditions L1A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Parkinson essentials for front line HCPsA S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Neurodiversity for Healthcare professionals L1A S IllaieeOnline4Rs1,500.005N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Neurodiversity for Healthcare professionals L2A S IllaieeOnline4Rs1,500.005N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Neurodiversity for Healthcare professionals L3A S IllaieeOnline4Rs2,000.005N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Medicines optimisationA S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Low mood in the community:Recognisition and assessment of depression L1A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Low mood & Dperession L2A S IllaieeOnline1Rs350.001N/A58553390
OnlineIslandFarmacy*2Gut Health L3 Probiotics and IBSA S IllaieeOnline2Rs700.003N/A58553390
OnlinePAM *1AMS in PracticeCPAOnline2Contact PAM3N/A54287742
OnlinePAM *1Antimicrobials overviewCPAOnline2Contact PAM3N/A54287742
OnlinePAM *1AMR & Principles of antimicrobial StewardshipCPAOnline2Contact PAM3N/A54287742
OnlinePAM *1Management of MalariaCPAOnline2Contact PAM3N/A54287742
OnlinePAM *1Tuberculosis ManagementCPAOnline2Contact PAM3N/A54287742
OnlinePAM *1Tuberculosis OverviewCPAOnline2Contact PAM3N/A54287742
OnlinePAM *1Diabetice Eye ComplicationCPAOnline2Contact PAM3N/A54287742
OnlinePAM *1An introduction to behaviour changeCPAOnline2Contact PAM3N/A54287742
22 May 2024MCSNutrition FirstDr. Radhika Jagatsingh B.In Person2RS. 255022 Venues proposed. Contact MCS52592424

Notes *

*TBD= to be determined. Council has not yet given its go-ahead and/or CPD Provider has not yet given sufficient details.

The timing for completing for the course is  till 30 November 2024, Council approval date for different course start on different date as communicated to the CPD provider.

PAM CPA Courses / FIP Courses

*1. Those who have completed and have been alloted CPD points in 2023 for those courses, will not be alloted point for these courses in 2024. Note CPA courses for 2024 has been approved.

Upon completion of the course, kindly refrain from emailing your certificate directly to the Council. Instead, please forward it to the CPD provider to notify them of your course completion. They will subsequently inform us of the CPD point allocation. In the event that CPD points have not been assigned within 8 weeks post-course completion, kindly contact us via email at registrar@pharmacycouncilofmauritius.com.

CPA website https://commonwealthpharmacycpd.org/continuing-professional-development-programmes/

Please note that CPD updates occur on a monthly basis, typically around the 10th of each month.

For the CPA course, please check which course has been approved by the Council before embarking on it for cpd points. Then after completing the CPA/FIP course, please go the site for instruction on how to ensure your points is updated.


*2. Islandfarmacy course kindly refer to its website given below for more details.

Islandfarmacy  website https://sites.google.com/view/islandfarmacy/home?authuser=0

Upon completion of the course, kindly refrain from emailing your receipt to the Council. Instead, please forward it to the CPD provider to notify them if needed and they will subsequently inform us of the CPD point allocation once you have completed the course. In the event that CPD points have not been assigned within 8 weeks post-course completion, kindly contact us via email at registrar@pharmacycouncilofmauritius.com.

Please note that CPD updates occur on a monthly basis, typically around the 10th of each month.